Sunday, April 10, 2011

1st block for P2 Modern Solid Quilt Along

Here it is...

I finally finished my block. I was starting to worry I wouldn't get it done in time. This week was so busy...finished my taxes and efiled. Never fun. Finished the kid's taxes too. Thursday was
dear husband's birthday...celebrated with the traditional cake and whatever you want for dinner and of course, presents! Yesterday we, as in most of the family, spent the day at my mil's house packing and going through things to get ready to sell and help her move to her new living space. She gave me an interesting piece that I will share later. I think I will use it in my sewing space.

I spent some time looking at blocks in books and online. I wanted to do one similar to one I saw on flicker but of course I can't find it now. I didn't like the end result so I played around with the same HST's. I like the pinwheel and star combination. I looked at this site for some inspiration too. There are even directions for blocks.

I had a lot of fun deciding on a block and can't wait to do some more. I have lots of ideas for more quilts I want to do. So many quilts, so little time.

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