Thursday, June 16, 2011

I am hooked.....

This is what I have been doing after dinner, after the dishes and I hurry to get them done so I can sit with my daughter and watch and episode or two of our favorite show. or Ex-show. It was a sad day in our household when they ended this show. Katie came home for a week for her summer break and wanted to watch the entire series! Impossible to do in a week! So we got through the first season which might be our favorite. So now I am continuing the series with my other daughter, Emily and we are loving it!

And so that you don't think I am a complete couch potato, this is what I do while I am watching.

This is the only thing I know how to knit.....dishcloths. My mom taught me years ago and I love to use them. Now Emily wants some for her apartment next year at school.'s mutually beneficial to sit and knit and laugh at Gilmore Girls. If you have never should check it out sometime. Lorelei, the beautiful, fun, sassy mom not only runs an inn but she sews! And there is a quilt hanging on the stairway in their house. My kind of mom. (in some ways..have to put in a disclaimer there cause I wouldn't want to do some things her way). So grab a girl and watch.

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